Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's true, every winter is different.  Well, other than the cold, the snow, the wind and the darkness.  Does it toughen you up or simply hinder your ability to run in the heat?  It's a question I've mulled over a bit.

I'll find out in January as I test these mile and weather beaten legs on a 1/2 in Florida.  Perhaps I should run in my winter gear on a treadmill first!

In the end, versatility is the name of the game.  My Saucony mitts keep the hands toasty and my headlamp lights the way (it also catches the attention of oncoming traffic otherwise occupied with their cell phone.)  I highly recommend the headlamp.

As for running on the contaminated sidewalks and roads...we boldly move on in persuit of running at a new level in 2011.  Maybe even a 50 miler to satisfy a growing curiosity.  Thanks for that Vince.

Keepinng warm keeping up.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The NY Marathon has come and gone. I have but a few things to share.
I can't imagine a better race destination. After all is said and done I think Karen (personal fan support)  had as much fun as I did. Exploring boutique hotels (oh all of those stairs!!), unique restaurants, and big tourist opportunities. The American museum of natural history, Times Square, Little Italy to name just a few.
The race, not even close to a PR course, especially with headwinds but is the most exciting and supported course imaginable. Awesome.
Thanks Saucony. The Fastwitch are the BEST shoe 10k to full marathon. Light and comfortable the whole 26.2 and beyond.
The weather, well it's November in NY.
I managed to finish respectably without the knee getting worse and then enjoyed a few days with the one I love most.
Finding a hotel with no elevator after race...priceless!

Recognize anyone? The height of the weekend meeting Haile! Fastest man in history.

First glimpse of the hotel staircase.  Nice.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lunch Meat for the Soul

Days to put things in perspective.  A few!  I've seen two dead armadillos roadside, and while it was tempting to offer that up as a metaphor for life on the run it wasn't really fitting for the week!  First time for everything!

And of time relaxing and recovering (both active and passive) I'm glad to have the Saucony AMP recovery tights.  A big leg up on the way to making it to the starting line.  Thanks guys!

Scotiabank 1/2 2010

Action Sports International
This is a link to a fun finish.  The Saucony fastwich felt really good, so much so that I'll be using them in the NYC marathon November 7.

True Challenge

If you can't laugh at this, I don't think there is much hope!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

So the saying goes.
Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon was a large success, to a point.
To run a solid 1/2 in prep for a marathon, a strong effort and good result to physically and mentally prime me for the event to come.  1:15:19 felt good, especially considering the volume of training and a there and  back course. 
Recovery, ah, not so good.  Eight days later and recovery is still in the works.  Am I alone in my loath for spinning?
I have renewed my commitment to cross-train (strength and cardio) once a week.  This time I mean it!! The idea being to injury proof myself and establish a baseline to make transition during an injury easier.
Now if only I can work through this and get back on the program I can relish momentum and make the most of whats to come.
Run hard.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A little cheesy, but who would have it any other way.
Just a quick shout out to all of those workouts that leave us feeling unfit, unprepared and overwhelmed. 
It only takes the next workout to feel strong and revitalized again.
Over and out.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Roll With It

So, how do you handle change? Do you depend on routine or thrive with life on the go? Flexibility is not only an asset but a requirement, as long as it doesn't drive you mad! I'm just trying to roll along, maybe you have helpful advice! I'd suggest Saucony Kinvera's for an awesome ride and great travel when packing for life on the go!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More than making the most

Apparently there are lessons around every corner. If only I were a better listener! Awful is the word for recovering from an injury and struggling with another but (da da dum) time to make the most.
Instead of dwelling on the defeat of not being able to get in strong form there are other battles to be won.
I said it and I don't mean the "see food" variety (which is my favorite, as it happens) or the kind where you don't eat enough (a horrible idea right out.)
The right amounts of the right stuff.
Easy enough. If there is victory in leaving gluttony in the rear view mirror, give me a taste!

This, of course, is a brilliant idea to deal with reality following an interval workout on trail with Tyler Lord. Great fun. Check out the matching shoes. Ha ha. The Saucony fastwitch is one good feeling light shoe. I can't wait to lace them up in a 10k later in the season! Get lots of miles in and gun for 33 min. Can't wait.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Boston Experience

I have to admit, I've spent some time reflecting and searching for some fun, witty, perhaps philosophical thoughts to blog. Only one word comes to mind.
Mulligan! (perhaps FORE!)
I gunned for 2:39 and finished in 2:54 due to being broken by the 10 mile mark. Ha ha.

Boston is a smashing city to spend a few days. Excellent trains, unbelievable history seen through tours on land and sea, food (Karen had her first oysters at America's oldest restaurant (Union Oyster House), trails, great people, and ironically, no run on sentences. Of course no trip to Boston is complete without visiting Legal Seafood. Imagine, we didn't have time to go to a ball game or tour Sam Adams. That kinda hurt.

To Saucony we are so very grateful. You rarely get the chance to meet a group who treat you so well. Jessica and the Saucony team made this an event that will last a lifetime. What fun both before and after the race. I didn't want it to end, so thanks guys. I'm a big fan.

As for the was an experience. My first taste of a truly big and exciting event. It brings complete strangers together in a way I've never seen. From the moment you arrive at the airport until you are at home. I got a "pound" from a fellow headed to Denver (at the Manchester airport) 2 days later. The race itself was only a part of the event, and I'm glad for that! I did say beforehand that I would rather go out aggressively and crash n burn than play it safely. I was granted my wish! I didn't expect the crash to happen as soon as it did. Thus the unexpected burn! I sucked it up and gave it a second effort for a 2:54 effort. A solid 10 min slower than I am confident I had, 15 slower than a miracle run.
Perhaps next time. Then again...

Over and out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Gloves Are Off

OK, I know, you got it. The weather is warm and the gloves have finally come off. Nice.

While this is the cliche item of the week to post, it is hardly what this poster is on about.

NHL. How can an organization be so transparently and foolishly run? Everyone jumps on band wagons and it must be because we pay undue respect to journalism.

My case is simple. Head hits. In a sport with a great deal of intensity and incidental contact, the buzz word is "head hunting". I can tell you, if you foolishly are bent over playing the puck when Keith Pronger hits you, you will be hurt and it will likely involve your melon.

So now, in their infinite reactionary wisdom, Wisniewski gets 8 games from the league for a well intended, yet hard hit immediately following a hard head shot by Seabrook. Not to get too far into the game but these people all need a head check. I mean the literal kind.
I love the game and while not an NFL fan, it is time to learn some lessons.
Thumbs down.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things I did not learn in school

Always bring extra socks.
It's simple, allow me to break it down.
There are three solid reasons to bring extra socks.

-they work very well to bridge the gap of shoe to pant leg
-they work very well as running mitts in a pinch
-ah, they work very well as something else, in a "pinch"

Lets face it though, when you emerge from a heavily wooded area with no socks (or no mitts), you are not kidding anyone.

I certainly didn't learn that in school, but no one warned me about "hoof and mouth" disease either. Perhaps I should have used the fresh socks to keep the hands toasty.

Over and out.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is it just me or...

Or is it cold outside. (The absence of a question mark here is not a statement or a mistake, it is simply missing. Ho hum.)
Before heading out I checked out my mobile weather network. Feels like -18c. I began to wonder, if running into the wind at 14 or 15 km per h, how much colder would it feel.
At the 4 mile mark I came across our poor friend to the right. Frozen field mouse, huh.
You know, motivation comes from all kinds of wondrous places. The motivation not to meet the same fate as our furry friend was just enough to keep me from finding shelter from the wind, if even for a brief few minutes. You can enter your own interesting quote about cold death here. I sure had a few of my own in mind!
Now, who keeps screwing with this computer so I can`t use most of the normal punctuation. I wonder. Obviously not cold enough in here.
Over and out.