Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lunch Meat for the Soul

Days to put things in perspective.  A few!  I've seen two dead armadillos roadside, and while it was tempting to offer that up as a metaphor for life on the run it wasn't really fitting for the week!  First time for everything!

And of time relaxing and recovering (both active and passive) I'm glad to have the Saucony AMP recovery tights.  A big leg up on the way to making it to the starting line.  Thanks guys!

Scotiabank 1/2 2010

Action Sports International
This is a link to a fun finish.  The Saucony fastwich felt really good, so much so that I'll be using them in the NYC marathon November 7.

True Challenge

If you can't laugh at this, I don't think there is much hope!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

So the saying goes.
Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon was a large success, to a point.
To run a solid 1/2 in prep for a marathon, a strong effort and good result to physically and mentally prime me for the event to come.  1:15:19 felt good, especially considering the volume of training and a there and  back course. 
Recovery, ah, not so good.  Eight days later and recovery is still in the works.  Am I alone in my loath for spinning?
I have renewed my commitment to cross-train (strength and cardio) once a week.  This time I mean it!! The idea being to injury proof myself and establish a baseline to make transition during an injury easier.
Now if only I can work through this and get back on the program I can relish momentum and make the most of whats to come.
Run hard.